It's that time of the year again, the second year running the Property Manager Mental Health Week. The week we look at ourselves, and check in on our colleagues to make sure LIFE is tracking with positive vibes.
With such an intense 2020 so far, we are experiencing situations, stresses, anxiety and conditions not previously encountered in life.
Aiming to improve industry and community awareness in mental health and well being for all Property Managers, we can spend 7 days focussing on our own wellbeing to ensure we are fighting fit for what the rest of the year might bring.

Property Managers can often be exposed to stressful, challenging and often challenging situations and navigating these scenarios without the right guidance and resources can be mentally tasking and take its toll on a Property Managers mental and physical health.
We are often so busy looking after other people, we sometimes forget to look after ourselves.....
So, it's time to start some very genuine #pmconversations and reach out for a chat or perhaps offer your own help and guidance to others in powering through your property management life.